HUMOR: The Brain's Secret Weapon Against Stress And 3 Fun Ways To Use It

Laugh Your Stress Away: The Science of Humor for Wellness
Costumes have always been my escape. When I’m feeling the heaviness of life's challenges, I pull out my large collection of costumes...and I mean tubs and tubs!
I had a personal health crisis with Chronic Fatigue (CFS). It took me about 4 years to recover.
Stepping into another personality with costumes helped me relieve some stress, shift my perspective, and lighten my mood. Adding some fun and giggles was the magic elixir for my soul.
This is a picture of Alberta Einstein. She’s my alter ego. She's subbed for me at networking meetings, helped give presentations, and interviewed people on the street about creativity...hehe.
...Driving around Oakland, CA, we found this glorious wall art (I love urban art, btw) and had to get a picture in front of it.
My boys found it a bit cringy that their mom was so comfortable in costume out in public (hehe), but they've come to accept my goofy side. It's my great hope that I've modeled how to let go of other people's opinions about how we're supposed to behave, especially when you're being true to yourself and living into your joy.
How Humor Can Reduce Stress and Boost Mental Health
So...about humor!
We all know life can be challenging, especially as a parent. But what if I told you that the best remedy for stress might just be a good belly laugh?
Turns out, humor isn’t just for cracking jokes; it’s a scientifically-backed stress buster, and it’s all thanks to how it affects your brain.
When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins—those feel-good chemicals that make everything seem a little brighter. They act as natural painkillers and mood elevators, instantly reducing stress.
...I'm gonna say that again: They act as natural painkillers and mood elevators, instantly reducing stress.
Think of endorphins as your brain’s own personal cheerleading squad 👯🏾, giving you that “ahhh…everything's right with the world now” feeling after a good laugh.
AND, there’s more!
Laughter also lowers levels of cortisol, the infamous stress hormone…You know, the one that skyrockets when your to-do list looks like a novel?
When cortisol levels drop, your body shifts out of fight-or-flight mode and into a state of relaxation.
Humor also engages your parasympathetic nervous system, sometimes known as the "rest and digest" system, which slows down your heart rate and decreases blood pressure.
This creates a physiological response that tells your brain, "Hey, everything's fine; you can chill now." So, it’s like hitting the pause button on stress ⏸️.
Here are 3 tips for using humor to reduce stress:
- Laugh at Life’s Curveballs – When life gives you lemons, toss them over your shoulder and laugh. A little humor can turn any disaster into a fun memory (eventually).
- Be Your Own Comedian – Got a problem? Throw a punchline at it. Try cracking a joke about your stress—it’ll shrink it down to size.
- Laugh with Friends – Share your funny stories or watch a comedy with friends. Laughter is contagious, and stress doesn’t stand a chance!
I would be remiss if I didn't also share when humor might not be the best approach. Here are a few examples to consider:
During Serious Discussions: When the topic is sensitive like illness, loss, or serious personal issues, humor can be perceived as dismissive or insensitive.
In Professional Settings: Depending on the context, cracking jokes during serious business meetings or presentations might not be appropriate and could undermine the seriousness of the discussion.
When It Hurts Others: Humor that targets specific groups, individuals, or sensitive subjects can alienate or offend, even if unintentionally.
During Conflict Resolution: While humor can sometimes diffuse tension, using it to avoid addressing serious issues directly can hinder genuine resolution and communication.
When Misunderstood: In cross-cultural communications, what is humorous in one culture may be misunderstood or offensive in another.
Overall, I wanted to highlight how humor helps shift your perspective, turns stressful situations into manageable ones, builds emotional resilience, and creates space for self-care and clarity for good decision-making.
FYI, stress short-circuits your problem-solving skills.
ONE MORE SPICEY INGREDIENT for your Humor Spice Rack —> My Clever Comebacks Free Guide. You're getting 30 WITTY WAYS TO SAY "NO!" (with a little confidence, class and sass, of course!)
...I'm a recovering people-pleaser, and if you can relate, then CHECK IT OUT HERE!
You'll love it...I promise ;-)
Alberta Einstein encourages you to give yourself permission to outsmart stress and overwhelm with some wholesome levity, my friend!
Your truely,
Lorie "Lover of Dad Jokes" Solay